Kinder Coach Pitch/T-ball Spring League
8 Friday Night Games, 8 Sunday Afternoon Practices
Available spots
Service Description
This is a coach pitch league for Kindergarten children. Those who cannot hit a pitch will get to use a batting tee. BAT baseball jersey and cap required - uniforms will be picked up and paid for at Not Just Soccer on Preston Road. *If you would like to reuse a BAT baseball uniform from the Fall, please send an email to saying so* Logistics: - The season runs for 8 weeks from March 23rd to May 16th. Games are held on Friday nights after school (8 games total). - Sunday afternoon practices and Friday afternoon games at Coffee Park - Practices are held hourly on Sundays from 12:00-6:00 pm (8 practices total) - Each team consists of 6-10 kids - Each team is assigned a coach who hosts one practice and coaches one game per week - All games and practices are one hour in length - The last 2 weeks of the season is a tournament where the winning team receives medals Rules for this league (Regular Season): - Each game spans 4 innings or a one hour time limit - Each batter receives 5 pitches from a coach. If the batter is unable to hit the pitches, he/she is allowed 3 swings at the ball on a tee - Each half inning ends once the whole batting team has batted - When on defense, the whole team takes the field. Coaches will rotate player positions each inning - The play is dead once the pitcher has control of the ball - Upon hitting the ball, runners can take 1st base if they hit the ball in the sand, and they have the option to take 2nd base if they hit the ball to the grass. Equipment: *All players will pick up and pay for their BAT league baseball uniforms from Not Just Soccer on Preston Road. Jersey and ball cap are the two required items, but there are socks, belts, and pants available for sale as well.* - BAT provides baseballs, bats, and batting helmets. - Players need to have their own cleats and baseball gloves for games and practices. - Players are encouraged to bring their own bats and batting helmets. If you have any questions or concerns about Fall BAT Baseball League, please do not hesitate to email or text us! BAT PHONE: (945) 243-5089 BAT EMAIL:
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Dallas, TX 75205, USA